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Functional & Integrative Medicine

Memberships That Transform Care

Hint's technology makes it easy for functional and integrative medicine practices to establish a membership model and focus on what's most important - care delivery.

See how Hint supports direct care clinics to serve their communities and retain patients.

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Turn patients
into members with Hint Core


Easily Enroll & Manage Members

Hint is the only HIPAA-compliant software that helps you nail the fundamentals of functional and integrative medicine membership management so that you and your team can spend more time and resources on patient care.

How Hint helps

Streamlined self-enrollment through branded online patient enrollment forms, and unlimited custom plans for each member tier, location or plan sponsor that fits their specific needs.

Retail Membership Enrollment & Billing

Customized Plans

Choose which charges are included, excluded or discounted in the patient's membership plan and who should pay for those charges to demonstrate value back to the patient or employer via the membership savings banner on invoices.

How Hint helps

Hint's Advanced Plan Admin feature allows you to assign a a set of charge rules to apply to patients enrolled on that plan to customize their membership experience, invoice their employer, and demonstrate savings via plan discounts.

DPC patient that is delighted

Get started with Hint today

Our solution specialists can help you figure out the best Hint plan for your budget, needs, and goals. Just tell us a little about you, and we’ll be in touch soon.